A look at all the incredible kiwi juice benefits and nutrient content. These small, tropical fruits are packed with flavor and nutrients and are a great addition to a person's diet.
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Kiwi Fruit Juice
Kiwis are sweet and nutritious which makes them perfect for juicing. The kiwi fruit packs a lot of flavor, vitamins, minerals, and potent plant compounds.
Kiwi juice is made by simply blending the pulp of the kiwi fruits. Making your own kiwi juice is quick, easy, and delicious and it is a great way to incorporate kiwi fruit into your diet to reap all its incredible health benefits.
What are kiwis?
Kiwis, or kiwifruit, are a type of sweet fruit that is native to the mountains and hillsides of Southwest China. They are now grown all over the world, with New Zealand being the top kiwi fruit producer.
Botanically, kiwis are classified as berries and were originally referred to as Chinese gooseberries. The kiwi fruit comes in two main varieties: green, or yellow-fleshed/golden. Green kiwis contain a green pigment called chlorophyll while yellow kiwis don't.
The nutritional content of a kiwi fruit
An average kiwi weighs about 70 grams each. 100gm of kiwi fruit flesh contains the following nutritional profile:
- Calories: 64
- Carbs: 14 grams
- Fibre: 3 grams
- Fat: 0.44 grams
- Protein: 1 gram
- Vitamin C: 83% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Vitamin E: 9% of the DV
- Vitamin K: 34% of the DV
- Folate: 7% of the DV
- Copper: 15% of the DV
- Potassium: 4% of the DV
- Magnesium: 4% of the DV
5 Top Kiwi Juice Benefits
1. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
Kiwi juice is an excellent source of plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects on the body.
Kiwis contain carotenoids, which have health-promoting properties. It has been shown that diets that contain high levels of carotenoids can help protect us against certain health conditions, including heart disease.
Kiwis also contain polyphenol compounds, like caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. These compounds exert anti-inflammatory effects in the gut and throughout the body. The total antioxidant capacity of kiwi is higher than many popular fruits, including apples, grapefruits, and pears.
2. Improves Digestive Health
Kiwis contain both insoluble and soluble fibre - about one-third soluble and two-thirds insoluble. These different forms of fibre benefit the gut in different ways.
The soluble fibre found in kiwis supports healthy gut bacteria, while the insoluble fibre helps to keep bowel movements regular. The fibre found in kiwi fruit retains water and swells up more than other types of fibres, such as apple fibre and wheat bran.
This means Kiwis are a great option for people who struggle with constipation. Kiwis can improve stool consistency and decrease the time it takes for food to go through your digestive system.
3. Source of Vitamin C
Vitamin C plays many important roles in the body. Kiwis are a great source of Vitamin C and contain high amounts of this beneficial vitamin.
Studies have shown that eating a kiwi each day for 6 weeks is enough to reach “healthy” vitamin C levels, while eating two kiwis per day resulted in the highest vitamin C levels that can be reached.
Maintaining optimal vitamin C levels is important for immune function and improves the function of immune cells.
4. Good For Your Skin & Hair
Kiwis are a great for fighting signs of ageing in skin. The high levels of antioxidants in kiwi juice is helpful for firming the skin and to ensure any free radicals that cause damage and ageing are removed.
The detoxifying properties of kiwis also help to brighten a person's complexion and makes your skin more glowy. The pottassium in kiwi fruit is also helpful in repairing skin tissue and cells which helps your skin to heal quicker.
The vitamin E levels in kiwi juice can work in enhancing hair growth. By fulfilling the body's requirements for vitamin E, hair can grow quickly and healthily. You can also rinse your hair with diluted kiwi juice to improve its shine and health.
5. Improves Respiratory Problems
Consuming kiwis each day can be helpful in treating all sorts of problems and diseases associated with the respiratory system. This includes asthma, shortness of breath, and prolonged coughing.
Kiwis have been linked to the reduction of wheezing symptoms in certain asthma patients, especially children.
Can I Drink Kiwi Juice Everyday?
The recommended serving of kiwi juice is one glass of juice made with 2 kiwi fruits each day. Eating one to three kiwis per day is enough for the majority of people to get the boost of nutrients from kiwi fruit.
Signs of a kiwi allergy
Kiwis don't pose any risks to most people. But they can cause minor to severe allergic reactions in some. These reactions include:
- itchy throat
- swollen tongue
- trouble swallowing
- wheezing
- abdominal pain
- vomiting
- hives
Kiwis contain a variety of potential allergens, but the main one is actinidin.
More healthy drink recipes to try:
- Pineapple Spinach Smoothie
- Homemade Carrot and Beetroot Juice
- Blackberry Strawberry Banana Smoothie
- Carrot Mango Juice
I hope you loved this post about Kiwi Juice Benefits. And if you want to see more of my delicious food adventures, follow me on Instagram or Facebook!
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